I really don’t have much to add since yesterday, but I’ll write anyway. Writing is one of my main loves in life and combining it with my lifestyle change really helps to keep me motivated. My eating was good at work, as usual. I had my yogurt and granola for breakfast, coffee, water to drink all day. I did have a few delicious chips for lunch with my protein shake. As usual, it wasn’t until I got home that my day of eating turned into a pile of doggie doo.
One piece of lasagna, garlic bread, and salad later I ate a lot and didn’t exercise at all. Shocker. That is, besides whatever I walked around at work today, which isn’t a lot. And I have a 5k to train for. In 2 and a half months. I will be getting chased by fake zombies, and I can’t let them get the best of me J
My day got worse when I started to think about how good some chocolate almond ice cream sounded and the fact that my mom agreed and we went. I was sitting in her car eating this ice cream and started to feel really guilty. I participated in the total sabotage of my own diet, and I wasn’t even hungry. Not one bit. So I stopped eating the ice cream. I doubt I ate the normal half cup serving.
That took some willpower, because if there’s anything I love it’s chocolate, almonds, ice cream and eating it all together . In a bowl. With a spoon. I just knew what I was doing to myself and didn’t like it. And the fact that I put it down proves how far I’ve come already.
Dieting and changing your life is hard. You’d be a fool to think that it wasn’t. Staying on track is more difficult because it can’t be something you change for a week or two. Consistency is key. My eating has been relatively consistent. (sort of.) and my exercise hasn’t been consistent at all. That needs to change, and I will outline a plan.
I’m doing well during the day, which is easy. I’m swamped at work and just graze during the day on almonds and drink water. I don’t have time to eat or do much else at work besides work.
I just need a plan for getting off work, being hungry, and being proactive and avoiding temptation. I need to save money, lose weight, and be healthy. I have support and all the tools I need to succeed. The correct answer is no, I didn’t just listen to some corny motivational tape. It’s true though.
I’m going walking with my boyfriend tomorrow and having a light dinner, so we should be good. And we will walk this weekend. He went walking today, so I applaud him. He walked while I ate ice cream. (Our relationship has balance.) We are planning a trip to New York where we don’t spend much money, see the city, and walk everywhere. We are planning on taking lots of pictures, and yes, eating some good food in moderation. Maybe a corndog, pretzel and some New York Pizza. And some walking around Central Park and drinking a few things I shouldn’t. Moderation is key, and I will practice it wisely. 3 margaritas instead of four. Kidding.