I went walking 2 days in a row!! I’m so proud of myself that I wanted that to stand out! I went yesterday with my boyfriend and today by myself. Both were on trails, we prefer trail hiking/walking/running. I think it’s more fun and interesting. The trail we walked on yesterday had so many steep hills and inclines, we walked for 45 minutes and burned over 500 calories according to this app he has.
We also ran into several heaping, and I mean heaping, piles of horse poo. By far the most amazing part.
I felt great afterwards, and we wanted to get back before dark but could have kept going. It felt really great though! I actually think I forgot what sweat felt like!
And today I was tired, as I usually am on Thursday, but I got home, went to the park and walked a trail alone. I like walking with my boyfriend so much better because he’s goofy and great, and he makes me walk at a faster pace. He is 5’11 and I’m 5’3 so it’s work but I love it. Walking alone isn’t as fun, but I walked a trail. I’m lucky enough to live close to a state park. The park is okay, but I did see a couple of deer. I was a little scared of them at first, I’ve never seen deer but running in front of my car or being hit by one. So just to kind of see one out in nature was a little bit strange. They just stared at me and look terrified. If they had seen my boyfriend they would have ran the other direction, deer hate him. J He’s hit about 17 with his vehicle, only 2 without it.
But I continued on and walked 2 miles and burned around 240 calories. Eating wise I’ve been doing okay. For date night we ate chicken and rice his dad made. I’ve been splurging on chips with my protein shake at lunch. Today for lunch I just had the chips, ate some of the shake.
I’ve started a high protein diet, and I really like the shakes, but too much protein is making me feel a bit sick and bloated. I may not be drinking enough water, so it looks like a little research on that is necessary. I am not cutting my calories in a severe enough way yet to ensure any weight loss, but it will happen. I’ve lost weight before a few times and my expectations are realistic. This time I want the weight loss to be for good. I want to make a pact to myself to walk on any day I’m by myself and it’s nice out as long as I don’t have other plans. My boyfriend and I are in this together and we’ve both walked alone this week and with each other. Having that extra encouragement is amazing. The night isn’t over. I had some sausage and potato thing for dinner. So yeah, I haven’t eaten great today.
I’m hoping the shakes I love aren’t making me ill. Research will be done, and thank goodness tomorrow is Friday. I don’t plan on walking, but I do plan on eating well. We are planning on walking this weekend weather permitting. And eating pizza. Then next week New York! My self esteem is sky high though even if I haven’t been perfect! I have walked two days in a row and been bettering myself. How great am I? There’s that self esteem. I may eat some ice cream before bed. Baby steps, but at least today they were on a trail, in the right direction.

I really don’t have much to add since yesterday, but I’ll write anyway. Writing is one of my main loves in life and combining it with my lifestyle change really helps to keep me motivated. My eating was good at work, as usual. I had my yogurt and granola for breakfast, coffee, water to drink all day. I did have a few delicious chips for lunch with my protein shake. As usual, it wasn’t until I got home that my day of eating turned into a pile of doggie doo.
One piece of lasagna, garlic bread, and salad later I ate a lot and didn’t exercise at all. Shocker. That is, besides whatever I walked around at work today, which isn’t a lot. And I have a 5k to train for. In 2 and a half months. I will be getting chased by fake zombies, and I can’t let them get the best of me J
My day got worse when I started to think about how good some chocolate almond ice cream sounded and the fact that my mom agreed and we went. I was sitting in her car eating this ice cream and started to feel really guilty. I participated in the total sabotage of my own diet, and I wasn’t even hungry. Not one bit. So I stopped eating the ice cream. I doubt I ate the normal half cup serving.
That took some willpower, because if there’s anything I love it’s chocolate, almonds, ice cream and eating it all together . In a bowl. With a spoon. I just knew what I was doing to myself and didn’t like it. And the fact that I put it down proves how far I’ve come already.
Dieting and changing your life is hard. You’d be a fool to think that it wasn’t. Staying on track is more difficult because it can’t be something you change for a week or two. Consistency is key. My eating has been relatively consistent. (sort of.) and my exercise hasn’t been consistent at all. That needs to change, and I will outline a plan.
I’m doing well during the day, which is easy. I’m swamped at work and just graze during the day on almonds and drink water. I don’t have time to eat or do much else at work besides work.
I just need a plan for getting off work, being hungry, and being proactive and avoiding temptation. I need to save money, lose weight, and be healthy. I have support and all the tools I need to succeed. The correct answer is no, I didn’t just listen to some corny motivational tape. It’s true though.
I’m going walking with my boyfriend tomorrow and having a light dinner, so we should be good. And we will walk this weekend. He went walking today, so I applaud him. He walked while I ate ice cream. (Our relationship has balance.) We are planning a trip to New York where we don’t spend much money, see the city, and walk everywhere. We are planning on taking lots of pictures, and yes, eating some good food in moderation. Maybe a corndog, pretzel and some New York Pizza. And some walking around Central Park and drinking a few things I shouldn’t. Moderation is key, and I will practice it wisely. 3 margaritas instead of four. Kidding.

 Well, I haven’t written a blog for a week so you’re probably guessing how I’ve been doing. Not walking really or doing the protein shakes that I love. It can be easy to feel like a letdown, but I haven’t given up hope. I will say that my boyfriend and I walked a hard trail for an hour last Wednesday and it felt amazing! Other than that…

Yesterday was mother’s day so I went out to eat and then ate some more. It’s a holiday, which is kind of a given that I will screw up.  I had so much fun with my family and my boyfriend’s family that I decided the extra food was worth it. Forgiven.

I have my new lot of shakes coming and I’m good to go. Last week my stomach didn’t feel great and it was my boyfriend’s brother’s birthday, and I had a t-bone. It was delicious and I would feel guilty but I liked it too much. His dad offered so I who am I to turn down a t-bone? This thing was bigger than my face. It was delicious and I would feel guilty but I liked it too much. Forgiven. J

It’s hard to forgive yourself while still being hard on yourself, but it is possible. I decided it was Monday and to start fresh. I had a protein bar for breakfast and a salad for lunch, soup for dinner. Water and milk to drink, not too bad. I was going to walk, but it is cold outside, so I stayed in and got a few things done. My treadmill doesn’t work still so I can’t solve that problem. I did eat well today though, and will make my shake and have yogurt tomorrow while snacking on my almonds during the day.

The truth is, I’m very hard on myself about most things. I want to lose weight, and I will. I’m trying to concentrate it’s just hard. Right now an advantage is that I don’t want to spend money either. So I’m eating well AND saving money which is a huge bonus. I leave for New York in about two weeks. With all the walking I’m planning on doing there and having a couple nice meals, I should be good to go.

The truth is, if you are too hard on yourself you’ll just give up all together. So I’ve been eating well, then eating poorly, and starting again. Eventually I’ll get to a spot where I don’t have to forgive myself for doing anything wrong because it will all come naturally. Until then, forgiveness will be a big word in my vocab with this diet. Let’s face it, I listennto Hootie and the Blowfish and watch Full House. I need to be forgiven for more than this diet.

Well, this weekend was a fun one! I really didn’t eat all that badly, and I didn’t have one shake for fear of running out….I have realized that I really like them a lot and feel better when I drink them. Not only because they make me feel full, but because I know I’m doing something good for myself. But yeah, my boyfriend and I ate out a couple of times. We had Italian Friday and Mexican Saturday. No exercise was had, we lazied it up a little bit. And sometimes that happens. We didn’t overdo the food though, so I was happy about that.

Sunday we went to a friend’s house for Cinco de mayo, we hadn’t eaten much when we went over. Drank it instead. Go figure. We brought some beer and ate chips and salsa, gaucamole, and cheese dip. My friend made mango margartias complete with a sugar rimmed glass. They were delightful. So two beers, two of those, and one tequila shot in I was good to go. I’ve cut down on drinking a lot in an attempt to save money and be healthy, but even I have to admit it was fun. I like how we use Cinco de Mayo as an opportunity to eat Mexican and do things we shouldn’t.

We left there and went to Taco Bell, strangely enough it was all I wanted. I ate a potato griller and some nachos and cheese as if I hadn’t had enough that day. Oh well. I stumbled around because my alcohol tolerance has plummeted and don’t remember all of the taco bell experience, although I did have about 50 sauce packets in my purse. Very interesting…

Today being Monday, I was hung over from yesterday and got virtually no sleep, so work wasn’t pleasant. I didn’t overeat because I have run out of work snacks, which is not a good thing. I am going to bed early tonight, going to refresh and refuel, and start again tomorrow. I have finally gotten on a routine I’m happy with.

I did walk with a friend tonight and her son. Not far and not fast, but I still want to be a good friend while I”m being healthy. Tomorrow I plan on walking a trail, because I have a 5k to train for as well. Another day of healthy eating and doing well for myself. Even if it’s not perfect, I’m okay with that.  I am going to bed early tonight, to make up a little beauty sleep. I feel a little better knowing the past few days I splurged but not too bad. A semi splurge. I’ll take it.

This has been one hell of a long week, and I’m extremely glad tomorrow is Friday. Diet wise the past couple of days have been really good. For me, at least. I ate well during the day yesterday, my usual granola, yogurt breakfast, almonds snack, and shake and side salad for lunch. I put tons of egg on the salad to up the protein. For dinner much later in the night I had a grilled chicken mcwrap, which are really yummy by the way. (note: don’t ever say yummy, it sounds ridiculous but looks much better in print. Trust me.)
My boyfriend and I walked on a trail by his house, which was a nice way to push myself. I think at one point he wanted to leave me there, but besides that the hike was a success. He had ran it the night before, and with the sun shining it was a great way to spend the evening. The mcwrap was our dinner, and I got the grilled of course. Those are really yummy! I was quite proud of myself, we are encouraging each other to do well on this venture to a healthier lifestyle. Last Saturday we went on a hike and he took pictures and I took a really silly video with horrible narration. It was a video of us walking and singing 99 bottles of beer on the wall, but we’ll laugh later. It was a blast, and allowed us to combine the hiking with some of our other passions, plus enjoy really fun time together. I sound super cheesy, but it’s true. Hiking is a healthy, fun, cheap activity to do with friends or on a date. And when you are doing something to better your life with someone you love, life doesn’t get much better than that. Whoa…even I thought that was overboard. And I will write a Nicholas Sparks movie later. Ewww.
Today, I ate no breakfast and had a greasy slice of pizza with my shake for lunch. Woops, baby steps. As I said in the last post, I know I’ll make mistakes, it’s just how you move on from them that will make the difference. I got home from work, made another shake, and went on a solo hike near my house. It was only 25 minutes long because I had to pick up a friend from work, but I walked at a nice, brisk pace. I sweat a little bit, and to make matters more awesome, I wore an oversized tee shirt, bicycle shorts, sneakers, and these huge purple sunglasses. And to end my 90’s moment, I watched an episode of Full House. And then I admitted to all my facebook friends and blog followers that I watched Full House. On purpose. And yes, I get more than one channel.
After that I committed all kinds of pop culture crimes, I inhaled a roast beef sub and a bag of sunchips. As in the last post, I’m going easy on myself. My friend that I picked up is the general manager of a Marco’s pizza, so I literally had a pizza on my lap the whole ride home and didn’t eat any. And they have good pizza too. So after some mighty fine willpower, I sit here now writing this blog.
I feel really good about myself that I’m taking positive steps in the right direction. And because I’m not changing in such an abrupt way and taking my baby steps, I feel like making the transition from not healthy to healthy is easier than I thought it would be. Plus, having the support of my friends and my boyfriend especially makes it so much easier. I highly encourage the buddy system if you have one. I feel just great I am sticking to something and following through. It’s about time, and I’m not stopping. Especiallly if Full House is on.

<p>At work, you know how there’s always one person who brings in a candy dish and fills it with sweets constantly? That’s me. And people request it so I feel the duty to bring in the goods. It’s just that I want to sit and eat the candy all day, which isn’t the best thing for my diet. I have barely eaten anything for breakfast the past couple days, so what’s a little snickers gonna hurt?  Tomorrow I have my nonfat plain yogurt and granola packed and ready to go! (That will be sooo much better than a snickers!) And that was some sarcasm at it’s finest. By the way, plain, nonfat yogurt, tastes quite putrid. The granola, fruit, or whatever you add to it is absoultely essential to down the stuff. But it’s healthy!</p><p>Almost all the candy in that dish disappeared, and no, it wasn’t all from me either. I did eat enough to consider moving it. I swear it stares at me. Other than that, I stayed on track during the day. I ate my banana peanut butter shake for lunch with a small side salad, and snacked on reduced fat cheeze its and almonds. I know I better watch the snacking and how I portion. I’m guessing random handfuls don’t count as “portions”. For dinner I had a pork chop and a small side of mashed potatoes, but since my calorie count was low during the day I figured it was okay. Baby steps. Slow and steady.</p><p>I watched a movie with my mom, and ate a bag of mini popcorn. Popcorn is such a great snack and the small bag of buttery goodness was only about 160 calories. My problem with being on a diet is that I hate being hungry, but if you’re eating right you shouldn’t be hungry. I’m also upping the water. It is literally the only thing I drink all day at work, so I’m keeping that habit alive and trying to add high protein items like eggs and tuna to my diet. I’ve never done high protein so I’m trying to experiment with different foods to see what I like. I never waste time eating things I don’t like because you will never stick with that.</p><p>My excercise was absolutely nothing but normal walking, which needs to change. I need to program my treadmill, but truth be told it was gorgeous outside. I could have easily walked and was so tired when I got home from worked I plopped, yes plopped, on my bed at 6:30 and took a little cat nap. My boyfriend ran after he got home, which is awesome! I need to push myself like that, and it’s nice to have someone inspire you. I also need more sleep,  tha’ts why I’m going to bed now. Date night tomorrow…no chipotle this time. Maybe a little. Just a little.</p>

Okay, I have fallen off the blog and the diet train at the same time… maybe I’ll get back on the caboose. Well, basically Wednesday is my date night, so I’ll probably never write then. I also ate Chipotle which was really yummy, also my first bad move of the week. Thursday I got in trouble at work, so my tears were downed in alcohol. And some really good food. It was good for me too. If you count sauerkraut balls, stuffed peppers, a fried chicken sandwich and a mojito good for you..?? Maybe if you’re grading on a curve.

Oddly enough I did well on my eating when I was at work. I had my shake all five days and took breakfast. I think I’m just so busy at work that my mind isn’t on food. It’s just when I get off work, although I do notice that I’m not as hungry, it’s more difficult to stay on track. Baby steps. I’ve been taking them my whole life, why stop now? And sometimes you just have to give yourself credit for what you have done. I did well with eating every day at work and not too bad after during the week. It was the weekend that killed me.

I did walk with my boyfriend for about an hour on Saturday. Maybe burning off 50 calories of the burger and fries I ate later. Oh well. I ended up having a rough week mentally due to my work issues and that didn’t help my self esteem, which didn’t help my eating. The thing is, I realized that eating or drinking my problems away won’t make  them go away, and it will only make me feel worse later. I may have eaten a little better on Sunday. It was raining, so no walk besides target, but that’s okay. Sometimes in life you gotta let yourself off the hook. Being too hard on yourself can be just as bad as letting everything slide. A happy medium with which you can live with is the key, even if at times it is a little hard to turn.

They say day 2 is always the hardest. Wait, that’s not exactly right. But I did eat my fabulous breakfast of a homemade parfait with plain, nonfat yogurt, frozen strawberries and granola that got soggy before it got to work. Woops. And the plain yogurt was as plain as it sounds. (Truth is McDonalds probably makes a better one at a shred the cost.)
I did prevail and had my shake and side salad for lunch. The shake was watery, the salad, bland. I did not give into temptation when my coworker traveled to the very enticing cafeteria for lunch. I was cheap and stuck to my lunch. How great of me. I had some almonds and a little cheese as a snack. Me and protein are besties now! (We may have bracelets made.)
When I got home my mom had a roasted chicken for me, I put a little buffalo sauce and cheese on it, ate it with 2 small jo jo’s and some hot sauce. For those of you not from Ohio, jo jo’s are small potatoes, literally. They are yummy and I didn’t deny myself because I had been good all day. I had the whole plate and it was quite delicious. I didn’t succumb to food temptation in work hours, so I had a nice dinner without too many carbs. Milk to drink, of course. It makes me feel like a kid again.
I tried to get on my treadmill again and it shut down. Again. No shock there. I didn’t let that stop me! Without thinking, I put on my sweatshirt, grabbed a bottle of water and walked down my street for about a half hour and a fast pace. No cell phone, Zune, or anything else for entertainment. It felt really good. Then I came inside, fueled my West Wing obsession because with Netflix you can become obsessed with a show that aired over 10 years ago, and started to write this blog. Turns out a few people did read it, and that is awesome.
I feel good. I feel full and I got some exercise to boot. And I did what I said I was going to do, which is quite big for me. So as I’m patting myself on the back, I breathe a sigh of relief that the day is in its conclusion. I won’t mention the small Reese’s cup that I grabbed because I needed chocolate.
Tomorrow is my date night, so I will be walking hopefully and eating Chipotle. Sue me, I only plan on eating half the bowl. Keep in mind that’s a plan, Chipotle is awesome, and a reward for good behavior. I’ll have my shake for lunch with a side salad as usual. For this diet I’m actually trying to keep on the blinders and focus. That’s me, healthy, healthy, healthy! At least for a whole two days straight.

Okay, here is the deal. I am doing a diet for about six weeks. Actually, more like five at this point but I sorta, kinda, in a way started cutting back last week. (My idea of cutting back included chicken alfredo at Red Lobster on Wednesday… but in my defense, I didn’t eat all of it..) My deal is that I like food and I’m lazy. In fact, I love food and I’m lazy. I couldn’t find a way to make the lazy part sound better. Apologies.
I work a menial desk job and barely move when I get home, which makes me pretty much hopeless to achieve any of my fitness goals. Until now I’ve never had a fitness goal.
I’m trying to do all in my power to change that. I bought these shakes that are supposed to be healthy for you and plan on eating one for lunch daily. At least during the week. I just made one and it smells like a chocolate milkshake, because my mind needs to be tricked. And because my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. Could. Not. Resist. My friend at work got me to try hers and I’ve been hooked.
All I eat is crap and my pants don’t zip. So there you have it. Also, I’m taking a last minute trip to New York city with my boyfriend and I wanna look great. And two weeks after New York on June 8th his mom is getting married. I’m so excited, we have not one really good picture of us together, and I would love to look not totally hopeless in them. It’s also my boyfriend’s birthday the day after so it’s a really fun time, and I want to feel and look my best.
I’m the polar opposite of a goal oriented person, but I try. I’m always full of good intetions but have horrible follow through. Case in point, I got home, ate a little bit of my leftover Mexican food from yesterday, and got on the treadmill. I walked for a solid 8 minutes before it completely shut down. Just stopped. I turned it off and on a few times, but there was no hope. My only alternative was to give myself a pedicure while watching the Ryan Seacrest interview with the Kardashians. Mindless television goal complete!
So, I decided to eat some swiss steak and mashed potatoes and make my shake, side salad, and breakfast for the morning. So it’s starting well. No one but me and my boyfriend will probably ever read this and that’s fine. I want my dry sense of humor and lack of concern for my own well being documented. So I have my breakfast and lunch for tomorrow planned out and I’m walking with a friend tomorrow night. Anything to combine exercise and seeing a friend is good in my book, she can exercise circles around me but I will trip over something every seconds and make her laugh. I’m always good for that. To end the night I had a cheese stick and some almonds. Almonds are one of the few healthy things I love, so I’m gonna eat so many almonds I may turn into one. I was too tired to make this wittier, but give it a day. I’m trying a healthy persona on for size, cna’t wait to see how that fits.